Your Group Here

& the GIS2GPS Team
is sponsoring a
GPS2GIS Adventure

This class is a fast approach to both GIS and GPS for 3 - 16 formal and non-formal educators who want a direct approach to using GIS, GPS and its related resources with their students in the classroom. Teachers will learn what GIS and GPS are about, why it is important in education, and ways of implementing this technology into their school curriculum. The first part of the class will provide teachers with basic GIS knowledge and how to work with free ArcExplorer software in the classroom. Hands-on activities, GIS software and GIS data will be provided - (total set of TIGER data by county for your state) - which they can use in the classroom. The second part of the class will provide teachers with the basic concepts of GPS, how to use the GPS unit, collect data and then use the results with a GIS application. No prior GIS or GPS experience is necessary; however, the following computer skills are suggested. Making folders, moving files from the CD to a specific folder, and navigating folder structure. Helpful but not required: experience using Microsoft Excel.

We are now using Garmin GPS 60 units in all our classes!
Event Dates: Your dates - 2009 This class is usually done in 4 days
Early Arrival: 7:45 am – coffee
Start Time: 8:00 am
Conclusion Time: 4:15 pm
Location: Your Location!
Instructors: Edward Gorny, Nancy Gorny & Denis Kazelas

Your Group and
- Education Division

Cost: $300.00 – includes all materials, data for all 102 counties of ILL, georeferenced topogrpahic map for your area, the New ESRI GIS software and New GPS software all included!
CPDU's 30 in all
College Credit:
$160.00 - for two hours of graduate workshop credit through Quincy University
Registration Limit: 50 max

Register by:
Registrations forms ASAP to reserve a place
registration will be first come first served
Target Audience:
All 3 - 16 formal and non-formal educators and school technology coordinators, who want to support students by exploring the world in a problem-solving, computerized environment
Local Hotels List of suggested hotels - click here for the .pdf
Questions? Contact: Edward Gorny, egorny@gis2gps.com
On Line Registration - Reserve Your Place!
Downloads - Will be coming soon!
Registration & Description
Registration & Description
Color Flyer - we will design one for you!
Color Flyer - we will design one for you!
Poster - we will design one for you!

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