Interactive Historical Sites
HAARGIS - The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency is now offering HAARGIS--not the traditional Scottish delicacy--a computer database that serves up a full plate of information about Illinois' historic resources. The mission to restore, retain, and document the state's built heritage has yielded many visible results in the form of thoughtfully restored and adapted historic structures. But managing the documentation has been a bigger challenge--until now. The Historic Architecture and Archaeological Geographic Information System--HAARGIS, for short--is a new tool that has been developed by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA) to manage information about the historic and prehistoric properties that it is charged to protect. And there is an abundance of data on the state's historic resources. Read more about HAARGIS.
USGS National Mapping Information- Geographic Names Information System of the United States and Territories. The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), developed by the USGS in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN), contains information about almost 2 million physical and cultural geographic features in the United States. The Federally recognized name of each feature described in the data base is identified, and references are made to a feature's location by State, county, and geographic coordinates. The GNIS is our Nation's official repository of domestic geographic names information.