Interactive Disaster Sites

National Earthquake Center - Real Time Earthquake List - is a listing of all recent earthquakes as well as maps and lists of current earthquakes in the U.S.

Earthquake Data for GIS. You can get CSV files midway down on the following page.
You can also get a custom-generated comma-delimited file on the following link.

IRIS Seismic Monitor - This is an interactive educational display of global seismicity that allows you to monitor earthquakes in near real-time, view records of ground motion, and visit seismic stations around the world.

A site for all states to Search the NCDC Storm Event database to find various types of storms recorded in your county or use other selection criteria as desired. The database currently contains: The Storm Events Database contains data from the following sources: All Weather Events from 1993 - 1995, as entered into Storm Data. (Except 6/93 - 7/93, which is missing). All Weather Events from 1996 - Current, as entered into Storm Data. (Including Latitude/Longitude).

Check out the Query Storm Tracks feature - Looking for a Specific Storm Track? Curious Where Hugo, Fran, or Even Dot Made Landfall?

Math & Science Center - Called Blown Away, it lets you map tornado data by months for the USA.

Math & Science Center - Called Plate Tectonics, it lets you map earthquake data for the world.

Healthy Communities Environmental Mapping — HUD E-MAPS - The Department of Housing and Urban Development — saying that it believes that Americans have a right to know about the quality of the environment where they work and live — offers E-Maps. Type in a ZIP Code to find out about such things as hazardous waste and air pollution in your vicinity.

GEOMAC - the Geomac site, is a collaboratory effort among several federal agencies, including the USGS, US Forest Service, BLM, National Park Service, and others to serve near-real time fire information in map form over the Internet. Besides being useful for homeowners and fire managers alike, it is an excellent educational tool for illustrating the power of (1) mapping and geography, and (2) the ability of GIS and digital maps and images to deliver timely information that tabular information cannot match.

Sentinel - The collaborators on Sentinel are Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation, geosciene Australia, NASA, the University of Maryland Department of Geography, MODIS Land Rapid Response System, and the USGS. The Sentinel Fire Mapping is a mapping tool designed to provide timely fire location data to emergency service managers across Australia. The mapping system allows users to identify fire locations that pose a potential risk to communities and property.

Wetlands Interactive Mapper Tool - Starting with a county, city, zip code, Refuge, or Lat/Long query, view wetlands for areas of various sizes by zooming the view in or out and by re-centering the map. View includes streets and streams.

GATHER - Geographic Analysis Tool for Health and Environmental Research, is an online spatial data access system that provides members of the public health community and general public access to spatial data that is pertinent to the analysis and exploration of public health issues.

Customizable Mortality Maps - This section of the Web site enables you to create maps based on your selections from a list of parameters. An interactive chart corresponding to any map generated here, can be created under the Interactive Mortality Charts and Graphs link on this Web site.

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