What is GPS all about?
GPS at the Smithsonian - Scientific applications of GPS at the Smithsonian range from regional scale mapping to site-specific surveys.
The GPS Tutor - Does a very good job of describing GPS. Goes into higher end detail about GPS.
GPS For The Non Rocket Scientist - "Welcome to the GPS Novice Net web site! I hope the information provided here will be of help to those who are starting out to use this technology. If you travel by foot, automobile, air, boat or however, the personal GPS receiver offers an answer to the eternal question - "where am I and how do I get to where I am going?" "
GLOBE Teacher's Guide - GPS Investigation: Learning Activities at a Glance. The total Table of Contents for GPS Investigation at the GLOBE site.
The Aerospace Corporation - Another good tutorial.Maps, Compasses, & GPS's 101 A Basic Course - Just like the link says, a "BASIC COURSE".
What is GPS - a nice link to the history, background and how GPS works. There are additional links to other topics related to GPS.
Trimble's GPS Tutorial - GPS is a complex technology but understanding it can be quite easy if you take it one step at a time. This tutorial is designed to give you a good basic understanding of the principles behind GPS without loading you down with too much technical detail. For those details see the reference links in their GPS Guide.
Lowrance Tutorial - Another well done tutorial to look into.
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