+ GPS = Illinois State Standards National Standards |
following information and links are for more information related
to the state standards. This page is under development. Check back
often for updates. We are also open to additional suggestions, links
and information that is tied into the Illinois State Standards. |
out the National Council for Geographic
Education's website. You'll find the national geography content
standards on-line there. |
out the National Council of
Teachers of Mathematic's website. You will find the national
math standards in several formats. |
National Science Education Standards can be read online at the National
Academy Press website or visit the National
Science Standards Matrix page. |
Check out the National Council for the Social Studie's website. |
State Standards |
following information should be helpful to exploring the relationships
to GIS, GPS and the Illinois State Standards. The subject areas
below are areas were there are tie ins to GIS and GPS to the Illinois
Standards. |