Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to help the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency update, correct and discover historical significant sites in your community.

IHPA has created the Historic Architectural/Archaeological Geographic Information System (HAARGIS) that lists all of the sites, buildings, structures, and objects that have historic significance. However, much of the information that is contained there is taken from surveys that were done in the 1970s. It needs to be updated! Some of the places listed there may have been torn down, and there are probably other places that did not get included. Therefore your mission is to help restore, retain, and document the state's built heritage.
To undertake this mission, please contact us!

Student Task #1: Your first task is to investigate, explore, and develop a sense of the historical makeup of your community. Look at your community as a total picture and then have different investigators examine specific areas and report back about them. This could encompass fieldwork to check on the validity of the collected information. One thing to keep in mind is how to enhance the data that is already collected about a specific location.

Student Task #2: After exploring and investigating the data that has already been collected for your community, your team needs to decide what additional places should be added to the IHPA informational database. This could be buildings, historical markers, roadside attractions, special type of buildings, unique advertising items and any other things that make your town special.

Student Task #3: After deciding on what you are going to investigate and report on, go out and do the fieldwork. Remember to follow the agency's guidelines as related to the metadata about your unique find. Also if possible, take several digital pictures of the item to enhance the importance of the item.

The Process: To undertake your mission, you need to understand how to deal with each of the above tasks.
Teacher Notes: Teacher Page for Notes & Resource Information

Marty Benner
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
#1 Old State Capitol Plaza
Springfield, IL 62701-1507
Phone: 217-557-1507
Fax: 217-557-6898

Ed and Nancy Gorny
and the
GIS 2 GPS Team
7612 Wilton Road
Darien, IL 60561-6704


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