EcoCaches Across Illinois

Submitting your EcoCache is a work in progress page. We are creating "suggested" guidelines of items we want to include on each of the EcoCaches. We are looking at three suggested forms: general, historical and science related. We are open to adding items to the EcoCache descriptions. Just let us know. Pictures, word files or pdfs, sound files and videos can also be submitted by email! We will be happy to post what your students created to give your ecocache a voice for all to read, hear and see!
Suggested GPS Settings:

GPS is a great tool, but we need to be talking the same Datum type for our projects as well as for geocaching. The WGS-84 or NAD-83 datum setting are mainly used for the Global Positioning System. Up-to-date USGS maps use NAD-83 (which is the same as WGS-84). You need to check that your GPS unit is using these settings. Usually they are located in one of the setup menus.

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