Lamar Theatre - Manito Hardware
Manito, IL

Brief Description:
This historic site in Manito, Illinois. established in Sepember of 1893
Located in downtown Manito,Illinois. Was once the Heckman Building, Lamar Theatre and is now Manito Hardware.
Latitude / Longitude
N 40° 25.545
W 089° 46.784
EcoCache ID:
1 out of 5
1 out of 5
Submitting Group:
Midwest Cental High School - Teresa Heinhorst
Date Submitted
One of the historic sites of Manito, IL. This site served different commercial functions. From variety goods store to entertainment to hardware/tire repair store.
Long Description
The Manito Hardware building was once The Heckman's Building of Manito. It was built in 1897 by Philip and Louis Heckman of Manito. The store was known as "The Big Store on the Corner," and its motto was "Everything to Eat and Wear." In 1912, this building was considered the biggest store in Mason County. The Manito Hardware store was later known as The Lamar Theatre in February, 1941, "O.S.S.", "Lover Come Back", "Tangier", "Singing on the Trail", and "The Bride Wore Boots." In 1950, Frank DeSutter founded his own gas station. This was also still in the same location, and it was a more convenient store. This is now known today as "The Manito Hardware Store." This location today serves Manito for hardware supplies and tire service.
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