Red School House - Manito Historical Society Museum
Manito, IL

Brief Description:
The one room Red School House in Manito was the first school in the community.
Located in the village of Manito, Illinois
Latitude / Longitude
N 40° 25.568
W 089° 46.964
EcoCache ID:
1 out of 5
1 out of 5
Submitting Group:
Midwest Cental High School - Teresa Heinhorst
Date Submitted
One of the historic sites of Manito, IL that was integral in educating the early youth of the community.
Long Description
The Schoolhouse first dates back to February 19th 1858 (153 years ago) when the log school burned in 1858. It was built by Josiah Jackson on the west side of town about 20 by 30 feet. At that time it was used as a house of worship and a school. Then as the population grew it became too small for classes and an addition was built to 20 by 60 feet making it a two room structure.

The teachers at that time were M.R. Mosher, Ezra Brown, Edwin Smith and Hugh Mc Fadden. It was used as a school until a larger school was built called the Masonic Hall. The school was then sold into private ownership in 1879. Until 1976 there were several exchanges of ownerships and was being used as a home. Then in 1976 Ray and Elizabeth O’Hara sold it to the Peoples State Bank and then it was donated to the Manito Historical Society. Today it is a historical site and Museum in Manito.
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