1879 Manito Grade & High School - Masonic Lodge
Manito, IL

Brief Description:
In 1879 it was the grade/high school and was until 1919 when a new one was built on Harrison Street. This building turned into the Masonic lodge in 1920 and currently still is.
The Village of Manito, Illinois
Latitude / Longitude
N 40° 25.561
W 089° 46.962
EcoCache ID:
1 out of 5
1 out of 5
Submitting Group:
Midwest Cental High School - Teresa Heinhorst
Date Submitted
One of the Historic Sites in Manito that educated many youth of the community.
Long Description
In the year 1879, Manito built a grade and high school. The school was located between State and Adam Street. At the time, the school had no cafeteria, only one teacher, and the superintendent's office was in the same building. The classes required in the school were Business Arithmetic, Algebra, Rhetoric, General History, Civics, Geography, Bookkeeping, Spelling, Botany, Zoology, Literature, Physics, and Geometry. There was no boy's basketball team, but girls had many outdoor teams. The first four year class graduated in 1909.

Ten years later, a new brick building was built on Harrison Street. This became the new school of the town for all eight grades. In 1920, the old, now abandoned school became the Masonic Lodge. Periodic meetings were held in this building that they remodeled. The secretary of the masons house burned down, so there are no records for the years 1866-1883. The Masonic Lodge is still currently up and running today.
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