Old Manito Jail - Manito Historical Soc. Museum
Manito, IL

Brief Description:
Old Manito Jail- Museum/Manito Hisotrical Society
In the village of Manito, Illinois
Latitude / Longitude
N 40° 25.565
W 089° 46.979
EcoCache ID:
1 out of 5
1 out of 5
Submitting Group:
Midwest Cental High School - Teresa Heinhorst
Date Submitted
One of the historic sites of Manito, IL. This jail was in another location when it was used to house prisoners and run Manito business. This location is where it was moved in the 1990's to preserve the building for the Manito Historical Society.
Long Description
A majority of the prisoners that spent time behind bars at the Manito Jail were actually hoboes. They needed a place to stay for the night because the townsfolk didn't want them wandering around the streets. They would chop wood within their cell; only enough that would be sufficient to them.

The walls had only two layers of brick because the prisoners' cells were kept away from the walls and therefore there wasn't a fear of jailbreaks. There were three cells in the center of the back room of the jailhouse. There were large windows on the front of the building so that passersby would be able to notice if something were amiss. However, all windows and doors had bars for protection. The front room and teh back room were separated by a barred door that allowed access to and from both rooms. Today it stands as a Museum to the heritage of Manito's local history.
Picture 3
Picture 4

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