Old Manito Hotel/Rollerdome - Fire Department Parking Lot
Manito, IL

Brief Description:
Old Manito Hotel/Roller Dome where many people stayed during their travels. Located next to the Railroad depot in Manito. Rollerdome was used to entertain the residents of Manito.
In the village of Manito, Illinois
Latitude / Longitude
N 40° 25.564
W 089° 46.809
EcoCache ID:
1 out of 5
1 out of 5
Submitting Group:
Midwest Cental High School - Teresa Heinhorst
Date Submitted
One of the historic sites in Manito, IL. where the Civil War soldiers left for war.
Long Description
Somewhere between the mid and late 1800’s, Thomas Smith bought what was known as the Manito Hotel. Even though Thomas Smith owned the building, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fehrman operated the hotel where they served food to roomers. Salesman and businessmen had stayed there because of the convenient location of the train station. This time period was well before the automobile days. A few years passed and Mr. Smith sold the hotel to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraley whom operated the hotel for some time.

Later a dentist, Dr. Frank Hodkinson and Jacob Roush, a building contractor, bought the hotel and tore the second floor off and remodeled the first floor to turn it into a roller rink. This roller rink became known as the Roller Dome, which was also used for a dance hall and a place for picture shows.

J. Arvel Seelye bought the Roller Dome and turned it into an auto agency, which only lasted a few years. Fredrick Bender then bought the old hotel and had it destroyed and used it as a parking lot. Now, at the same location, a firehouse sits at the west end of the parking lot.
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