DeSutter Grocery & Studio - Manito Apartments
Manito, IL

Brief Description:
DeSutter Grocery and Studio was where Chris DeSutter ran a grocery store and took many local pictures in his studio. Today this site is an apartment complex.
Located in the village of Manito, Illinois
Latitude / Longitude
N 40° 25.481
W 089° 46.783
EcoCache ID:
1 out of 5
1 out of 5
Submitting Group:
Midwest Cental High School - Teresa Heinhorst
Date Submitted
One of the historic sites of Manito, IL where our historic pictures of the community were taken.
Long Description
On October 1st. 1904 the DeSutter family received a letter from Engle Bertus Palmer. He told the family that he would pay tickets to get the two oldest DeSutter boys put to Manito from Aardenburg, Holland. The two, August and Louie, agreed, and were soon on their way to Manito, Illinois. August got to Manito first because, after the arrival to Ellis Island, August and Louie were separated. After both were safely in Manito, the two began working for Engle Palmer.

After a few years of working, the boys wrote a letter to their parents asking if they, along with younger brother Chris, would come to live in Manito if they paid for the tickets. Only three months later, the DeSutter family sold their house and other various belongings and was on their way to Ellis Island to come to Manito.

Once the family arrived in Manito, August and Louie started farming, and both owned their own farms by the time of their deaths. After working at the Wiedmer Chemical Factory, a dirt factory, Chris received a job at a furniture and grocery store owned by Louis Heckman. After working at Heckman's for 20 years, he bought the site he would turn into DeSutter Grocery and Supply store in 1949. He also has a photo finishing store, called DeSutter Studio, in which he guaranteed customers the best service.

Currently, the building is an apartment building for local Manito residents.

Picture 3
Picture 4

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