Manito - Forman H.S - Meadow Lawn Apartments
Manito, IL

Brief Description:
Old Manito High School - New Meadow Lawn Apartments
Located in the village of Manito Illinois
Latitude / Longitude
N 40° 25.730
W 089° 46.862
EcoCache ID:
1 out of 5
1 out of 5
Submitting Group:
Midwest Cental High School - Teresa Heinhorst
Date Submitted
One of the historic sites of manito illinois which educated high school students and grade school students until new schools were built. Now senior apartment building.
Long Description
On April 20, 1922 a new Manito high school costing $80,000 was erected on Harrison Street. This was called the Manito Community High School (MCHS). In 1950 it was officially named the Forman Community Unit District #124. Also in 1950 voters passed a $75,000 bond issue for the addition of a new gymnasium, home economics room, and cafeteria. It was used as a school for 20 years until the 70’s when our community’s growth and progress outmoded, out dated, and out grew it. A grant in 1996 ($500,000) changed the former high school into an apartment building. Today it is now Meadow Lawn Apartments which houses senior citizens 55 and older.
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